Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will read in three spatial datasets and use the tmap package to create static and interactive maps. The bus data is from and the Carrboro tree data is from Make sure each line of code has a descriptive comment.

Download the Data Here

Create a new R Markdown document

  1. Download the data into the Assignment 2 folder. Save a new .RMD file in your Assignment 2 folder using the following naming convention:
  • Lastname_GEOG215_Assg2.Rmd
  • For example, Julia’s file would be: Cardwell_GEOG215_Assg2.Rmd

Read in Data

  1. Add a code chunk at the top of your .Rmd. Load the tidyverse, sf, and tmap libraries.

  2. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Read in Data”. Below this heading, add a code chunk. In the chunk, use a relative file path to read in (using the st_read() command) the file named “Chapel_Hill_Transit_Bus_Stops.shp” and assign it to an object called bus_stops, the file named “Weekday_Bus_Routes_2022.shp” and assign it to an object called bus_routes, and the file named “TreeCover2017.shp” and assign it to an object called carrboro_trees.

  3. Using the console, check the coordinate reference systems of all the layers using the st_crs() command. If all of the layers are not in the same reference system, use the st_transform() command to put them all in the same reference system.

Map Bus Stops and Bus Routes

  1. Under the code chunk that reads in data, insert a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Map Bus Stops and Bus Routes”. Create a static map that shows bus stops as a single color and shows bus routes categorized by the “Name” column. Make sure the tmap has a title. You will note that sometimes, tmap creates a legend that overlaps the map area. Add this code to your tmap command + tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE)

Map Tree Species in Carrboro

  1. Under the code chunk that maps bus stops and bus routes, insert a third-level heading named “Map Tree Species in Carrboro”. Add an interactive map (with a basemap) that displays trees in Carrboro and classifies the trees by the “COMP_” column (which represents the type of trees). You should get an error. Sometimes data from the web contains geometry errors which prevent tmap from mapping them. Add this command %>%st_make_valid() to your tree read in command to fix any invalid geometries.

  2. Write a command to make and print a summary table that sums the amount of acres of any tree type in Carrboro. Hint: you will use the summarise() command.

Format your .Rmd File

  1. Review the .Rmd help document. Format your .Rmd so that messages and warnings do not appear in the .knitted document.


Upload your .Rmd and .html files to Canvas.