Assignment 4

In this assignment you will script a function that defines the formatting for a tmap. The data is from NCOneMap Remember that each line of code needs a descriptive comment.

Download the Data Here

Create a new R Markdown document

  1. Save your .RMD file using the following naming convention:
  • Lastname_GEOG215_Assg4.Rmd
  • For example, Julia’s file would be: Cardwell_GEOG215_Assg4.Rmd

Read in Data

  1. Add a code chunk at the top of your .Rmd. Load the tidyverse, sf, and tmap libraries.

  2. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Read in Data”. Below this heading, add a code chunk. In the chunk, use relative file paths to read in the fire station, emergency shelter, and hospital data

Create Function

  1. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Create Function”. Below this heading, add a code chunk.

  2. Create a function that takes two arguments, a spatial object, and a variable name.

  3. The function should develop a tmap based on the arguments that does the following:

    • Adds NC counties as the “basemap”. Hint: This means you will have two tm_shape + arguments and you will map the NC counties object first
    • uses tm_dots() to map the “variable name” argument using the Purples color palette in the quantile style
    • moves the legend to the top of the map

Hint for making your function: For making a function relating to tmap, you will need to put your variable in quotes when calling the function and you do not need to use when utilizing the variable within the function. For instance:

map_function <- function(data, variable){
tm_shape(data) + tm_polygon(variable)

map_function(sample_dataset, "sample_variable")

Create Maps

  1. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Map”. Below this heading, add a code chunk.

  2. Map fire stations, emergency shelters, and hospitals using the function created above. For fire stations, map the “staff” variable, for emergency shelters map the “capacity” variable, and for hospitals map the “hgenlic” variable (represents the number of available beds).

Format your .Rmd File

  1. Review the .Rmd help document. Format your .Rmd so that messages and warnings do not appear in the .knitted document.


Upload your .Rmd and .html files to Canvas.