Assignment 3

In this assignment you will “make data spatial”, perform data cleaning steps and execute an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). The data is from NCOneMap Remember that each line of code needs a descriptive comment.

Download the Data Here

Create a new R Markdown document

  1. Save your .Rmd file using the following naming convention:
  • Lastname_GEOG215_Assg3.Rmd
  • For example, Julia’s file would be: Cardwell_GEOG215_Assg3.Rmd

Read in Data

  1. Add a code chunk at the top of your .Rmd. Load the tidyverse, sf, and tmap libraries.

  2. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Read in Data”. Below this heading, add a code chunk. In the chunk, use a relative file path to read in the file “Colleges_and_Universities.csv”

Clean Data

  1. Add a third-level heading named “Clean Data”. Create a chunk below

  2. Rename the “Enrollment at School” field to something without spaces.

  3. Make the data spatial. The latitude and longitude columns are in crs = 4326.

Execute EDSA

  1. Add a third-level heading named “Execute EDSA”. Create a chunk below

  2. Create one descriptive statistics table for the “degree” column. Figure out how to use the kable package to make a nice looking table.

  3. Create a descriptive statistics table (with the kable package) and non-map graphic for the enrollment column. Make sure this graphic has a title and all other appropriate formatting.

Hint: You might get an error when trying to make the descriptive statistics table. You will need to figure out what Data Cleaning step you still have to do


  1. Add a third-level heading named “Map”. Create a chunk below

  2. Create two interactive maps, one showing the enrollment column and one showing the degree column. Figure out how to display these maps in sync.

Format your .Rmd File

  1. Review the .Rmd help document. Format your .Rmd so that messages and warnings do not appear in the knitted document. Also format your .Rmd so that the underlying code for the descriptive statistics table and the non-map graphic does not render in the .html.


Upload your .Rmd and .html files to Canvas.