Assignment 5

In this assignment you execute a analysis to determine what hospital is closest to each of the nursing homes in North Carolina. The data is from NCOneMap (

Download the Data Here

Create a new R Markdown document

  1. Save your .RMD file using the following naming convention:
  • Lastname_GEOG215_Assg5.Rmd
  • For example, Julia’s file would be: Cardwell_GEOG215_Assg5.Rmd

Read in Data

  1. Add a code chunk at the top of your .Rmd. Load the tidyverse, sf, and tmap libraries.

  2. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Read in Data”. Below this heading, add a code chunk. In the chunk, use relative file paths to read the hospital and nursing home data

Execute Spatial Analysis

  1. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Execute Spatial Analysis”. In a new code chunk, write a command that identifies the hospital that is closest to each nursing home in the state. In the hospital dataset, the objectid field is equal to the index.

Data Processing and Mapping

  1. Add a third-level heading to your R Markdown file named, “Data Processing and Mapping”. Below this heading, add a code chunk.

  2. Create an interactive map of nursing homes across the state where the nursing homes are color coded by the closest hospital.

  3. Create a summary table for hospitals which calculates the number of nursing homes that each hospital is closest for.

Format your .Rmd File

  1. Review the .Rmd help document. Format your .Rmd so that messages and warnings do not appear in the knitted document.


Upload your .Rmd and .html files to Canvas.