Execute commands in R from an R script

  1. Download this into your in-class exercises folder.

  2. Open GEOG215-ex3-RCommands.R in R studio. Read through the document, execute the commands, and answer the questions in the script.

Create an R Markdown document

You will now create a simplified R Markdown document with some of the commands that you have run in the Rcommands file.

  1. In RStudio, select File -> New File -> R Markdown

  2. Once you have the file open, select File -> Save As, and save the file using the following naming convention:

    Lastname_GEOG215_InClass1.Rmd in your in_class_05172024 For example, Julia’s file would be: Cardwell_GEOG215_InClass1.Rmd

  3. Remember that the easiest way to make sure that your working directory is set is to make sure a file is saved into the correct location and then re-open it from that location. Do this now.

  4. Change the title of the document to GEOG 215, In Class #1. When, complete, knit to HTML to make sure everything worked. To knit, press the “knit” button at the top of the script. This will create a new .html document. Open this up and make sure it looks good.

  5. Create a third-level heading called “Load Libraries”. To make a third level heading, type “### “And write your header. Add a code chunk below and load the tidyverse library. You can create a code chunk by clicking the green “c” box at the top of the document.

  6. Create another third-level heading called “Read in and Modify Data”. Add a code chunk below. Return to the “GEOG215-ex3-RCommands.R” and identify the command that reads in the nc.mar object. Copy this command to the code chunk. Then, identify the command that modifies the nc.mar object to create a new column representing average marriages. Copy this command to the code chunk. Add descriptive comments for both of these commands.

  7. Create another third-level heading called “Plotting Data”. Add a code chunk below and modify this code chunk to only print the output, not the code. Return to the “GEOG215-ex3-RCommands.R” and identify the command that makes a plot (it can be either of the plots). Copy this command to the code chunk. Add a descriptive comment for this command.

  8. Create another third-level heading called “Practicing In Line Code”. Use inline code to add the number of rows in the nc.mar object. You should use the nrow() command.


Upload your .R, .Rmd and .html files to Canvas.